Every Friday morning , #MMwG community set time to be discipline in moments of journeying with God! There’s not a lot of space designed in the regular church services to explore, discover, and journey with God! For me, this is and should be a NORM in worship! I also believe time has to be given and dedicated, in sacred spaces, for people to journey with God, but that’s another post…
Here’s what I want to say:
Where you think a gift is fishing, we are actually seeking.
Where you think someone is taking up time, we’re exploring and discovering the set space of glory !
Where you may disconnect, we zone in…
Our seek sessions was necessary for training a people how to go on journeys with God in His presence.
My prayer is that seeking becomes apart of the nature of God’s house again! I’m earnestly praying that our hearts will be set to explore and discover what God has in store for us at EVERY level.
It’s in that space, we will discover that the level of the stillness of God is just as powerful as the moments of breakthrough… As a matter of fact, without the polar opposite, we would not be set up for breakthrough.
Tomorrow morning, we’ll discover what God wants framed in our realities and in world. This requires your attention and your patience. There are things shown in the subtle, quiet moments that will stock and staff your language, so you’ll know exactly what you should be declaring in this year!
Let’s prepare and set our Hearts to Seek and Discover what God will unveil for us in the morning! This truly changes lives!
Such a Powerful Message!!! I continue to be excited for the New