Good Morning #MMwG Family! It is my prayer that all is well! As I have announced this week, due to travels this AM, we are not able to have our seek session today at our normal time.
Due to an active snow storm, I was awaiting other information to help me dictate an exact time for our session today, if we could meet.
At this time, I don't have an exact time for our session as of yet.
This does not eliminate your personal time of seeking! Please engage and meet with God this morning. I will keep you all posted on a time frame, if I would be able to accommodate one corporately today!
Stay warm, enjoy your day and look out for an update soon from myself or one of our team members!
We love you all! 💕💕💕
P.S. Don't mind me looking crazy! This is sleepy and a 45min - 1 hr drive turned 2 hours due to snow.... 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Safe travels, love y'all 💛
Safe Travels Family! ♥️
Awwwww love y'all, ❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Safe Travels Fam💜🙏🏾💜
Safe travels ☃️❄️!!